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What is the Importance of Dofollow and Nofollow Links?

The link is the technique where the search engine bots/spider/crawler consider the relationship between websites. Google bots travel from one website to another website through Dofollow links. You have to understand how the importance of a healthy backlinks profile of different-different property to your website.

Difference Between Dofollow & Nofollow?

Dofollow Links share the link juice from one website to another website which helps to increase the ranking of a website.

Nofollow links do not share the link juice from one website to another website. Mostly Google does not consider determining search engine rankings.

This difference lies beneath the surface, where the Nofollow link has the HTML { rel = “nofollow” }tag.

What is the Dofollow Link?

Google acknowledged that Dofollow links are links that pass the link value from the referenced site to the linked website.

By link value, this means that some SEO value of the linking page goes to the linked page, leading to successful SEO.

Google bots/crawlers can follow these links and their anchor text. Thus, it directly affects your website and profile.

What is Nofollow Link?

Nofollow links are links to your website with the { rel = “nofollow” } tag.

This tag tells search engine bots to ignore that link and does not count it towards your site’s backlink profile. Since Google does not count these links, they do not include to increase your website’s ranking on SERP. Everyone can click on these links to visit your page, as well as copy them and use them easily like any other link on a website. But we can’t say that these links are worthless for the website.

How Dofollow Link Affects Website Ranking?

Web engine bots/crawlers/spiders via dolphin links, which show who is linking. These relationships go through a type of authority, which SEO takes as “link juice” from one website to another. For example, suppose that PageRank is a popular site with high links. Search engines then see your site as more prestigious and can increase your PageRank. This can improve your ranking in search engine results.

How to convert dofollow link to nofollow?

Easy and best way to make the link nofollow

  • In your blog editor, switch to edit code mode directly.
  • Find the link you want to make Nofollow.
  • Add Nofollow Attribute:

Nofollow Tag: <a href=”http://www.example.com/”rel=”nofollow”>Example anchor text</a>

What’s the Best Ratio of Nofollow to Dofollow Links?

Ther is no idea about Nofollow and Dofollow backlinks ratio for your website. Some people say that 50::50 is best, some say 40::60 is the best ratio and all other says 30::70 is the best ratio for Nofollow and Dofollow link. According to ubersuggest 25/75 is the best ratio, which signals that the most prosperous websites have a greater number of Dofollow links.

When should you use Nofollow links?

For example, companies that automatically use Nofollow links.

Blog Commenting: Nofollow was designed for blog comments. Many website builders, such as WordPress, include the Nofollow plugin as a part of your website to prevent spam link comments. The most common is using Nofollow links.

Forum Posting: Forums are another place where spam sites post their links. Using Nofollow links here prevents spam comments and keeps the content authentic for visitors.

Paid links: If you are paying for links that occur in a particular location, it should not count towards organic link traffic. Google can penalise your website if you are using or promoting paid links.

We have explained some technique/examples where you use Nofollow links. Nofollow links are a great protecting way to ensure that sites are not spam, and companies can build and build relationships with real customers.

Note: No-follow link does not share spam score

Which site provides Nofollow link?

Generally, links come from these sources are Nofollow link.

  1. Links from social media platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, Wikipedia, Facebook, etc.
  2. Blog comments
  3. Forum Posts
  4. Links from blog posts.
  5. Links in press releases.
  6. Certain publishers like Huffington Post, Forbes.
  7. Quora, Reddit, Youtube, Medium other social bookmarking sites.


In this topic, we have discussed the importance of Dofollow and Nofollow links. If you have any query related to this please write for through our query box or you can call us directly.

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